The Food Co-op at St Hilda’s East Community Centre is a pop-up shop which serves around 80 customers a week. It supplies healthy, affordable culturally appropriate food to local communities, including fresh and nutritious fruit and vegetables. It also increases access to produce that is organic, locally sourced and packaging free.
The Co-op is a place to shop, chat and meet. It is additionally a space where people can access other projects and services, including initiatives designed to improve wellbeing, increase social networks and tackle isolation. It provides work experience, as well as training and mentoring for volunteers – the majority of whom are local women.

New food coops in Tower Hamlets
St Hildas have been supporting the development of a new network of Food Co-ops in Tower Hamlets, giving other community organisations the opportunity to try out the model and build confidence, through running Pilot Pop-up Food Co-ops and providing ongoing advice and guidance.
New Food Co-ops are currently being piloted at Limehouse Town Hall and the Teviot Centre.
Find out more by visiting or follow them on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.