“A space where we can grow together”
This project will explore the potential of hyper-local food growing on the Burdett Estate by developing an existing community garden and delivering a programme of food-production-related activities which build the skills and confidence of local people.
By increasing the number of raised beds by seven, improving pathway access, constructing community spaces and planting three fruit trees, we will be able to make space for a greater number of participants from our underrepresented, predominantly Bangladeshi community, and for them to be able to access the space more easily.
Session content will be decided by the participants themselves, including feedback from the wider community, whom we always seek to involve. The type of produce we grow will be chosen by participants i.e., culturally appropriate, clearly recognisable ingredients. Ad-hoc activities, such as school holiday activities will encourage a wider range of residents to become involved and take away learning from the project.