Misery Medicine (est. jan 2022) is an in-person, immersive herb, mushroom & plant medicine program that supports queer and trans people of the global majority in learning about the herbs that grow wild all around us, making plant medicines for mental health, witnessing how herbs interact with the seasons & discussing how to decolonise ideas around medicine & sustainability.
Misery believes that the global structure of racial capitalism & heteronormative patriarchy enacts a constant state of crisis, intergenerational trauma & poor mental health for many marginalised people. To respond to this crisis, & allow us to build radically alternative futures, we devised a plant medicine course that is free to attend & will actively challenge the issues of loneliness, disconnection & mental health crisis prevalent within our community. misery doesn’t want things to go back to how they were, we want to listen to the lessons of the pandemic – lessons of slowness, care, quiet, friendship & mutual aid. So here we are.