Be.Green is a programme that focusses on introducing and cultivating an understanding of the environment, climate change and social justice impacts in this space. It is a hands-on programme broken into three modules- each with a different theme. This year we are looking at Energy, Transport and Food. Each module runs for 6-8 weeks, leading up to showcase of their work, be it in the form of a presentation of their research, findings and calls to action in a campaign, zines, podcasts and festivals to name a few past initiatives and ideas.
This programme provides young people in Tower Hamlets access to scientists and activist in this space, valuable work experience, exposure to this eco network and job opportunities.
We provide a bursary to support the learning of all participants and of course access to all of our leadership courses and other activists at LIC.

The programme is run by Leaders in Community. Visit their website or follow them on:
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